Sunday, August 24, 2008

Papaye's - A Sunday Adventure

Papaye's. A wonderful place to eat. Unless you happen to belong to my family.

After church the HCJB clan, some of the teachers, and my family decided to go there for lunch. Ben bet that we (the Iwans) would be the last to eat and that our order would be the one messed up. He was only 99% off the mark, Miss Sally got her order botched to. We ordered with everyone else and since Papayes is notorious for messing up our orders we even wrote it out. After waiting the customary 45 minutes for our food, it arrives...except for the Iwans and Miss Sally. Whopee. Finally our food arrives...except for Mom's. After much asking and alot of waitresses looking confused, we realized that they hadn't even ordered Mom's food yet and that "It'll be just ready" doesn't always mean just ready. Blah, blah, blah....we finally get everyone's food accounted for. Then we get ready to pay. And thus begins a 30 minute heated debate between the moms and the waitress about who ordered what, why are you charging me for her order, why have you added this, and so on and so forth. Needless to say that we will never have that waitress again (though we've already had her before with similar problems).
Now don't get me wrong, Papaye's is a fantastic joint to eat at and their food is delicious (all MK's in Ghana will agree) it's just that sometimes (in my case, usually) you hit a snag.So either the customer is always right or the Iwans are cursed with bad luck at getting orders right....

1 comment:

oliviakorum said...

haha, papaye is definetly ALWAYS an adventure! And what would a Sunday lunch at ANY "restaurant" be without the long wait and debate over who ordered what?!?!