Sunday, March 23, 2008

About Me

Who Am I? That is an excellent question to which I think there is an answer ( if not an answer then a logical explanation). I am Kristina, a Swede/German/Scotch by blood, and MK by birth. I have slightly odd habits, some more dangerous to myself then others, but for the most part am pretty safe. I love to sing, dance, and make music. I have been known to burst spontanously into song and dance with invisible partners. I love God so much and desire to fall more in love with Him.
Enter now my friends into a new world. A world that is unique and at times a little scary. This blog is dedicated to my adventures as I go from Ghana, to college, and then the great unknown. Enjoy =)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I really enjoy your world Tina, I'm kinda glad I'm in it.

Having said that, we must blog together multiple times before the end of the summer - there are so many more trash compacters that way.